Monday, January 09, 2006

Conversation with Curtis

Curtis ->"Captain Underpants is Special!"

Mommy->"Really? Why is that?"

Curtis->"Because he has a cool cape"

Mommy"Is Max special too?"

Curtis->"Yes" Mommy->"why?" Curtis" Because he has a lucky T-shirt"

Mommy->"Is Mommy special too"

Curtis-> "yes" Mommy "Why"

Curtis-> " Because you are my best friend!"


*****Edited to add***

Okay.. now there is a photo of Max and Captain Underpants. When I was taking these this morning Curtis asked why I was doing it. SO, I told him I was taking a picture of them because they were special to him. His response was that I should take a photo of me too because I was special to him too.. okay.. what does he want? hahha

1 comment:

Kim Sanderson said...

I can't wait to see a Scrap page about this conversation!!!